Hello everyone. It's been awhile since my last post. I've had multiple issues going on at home, work, and school so I've been juggling. We adopted a sibling set of two girls two weeks ago, unfortunately, their issues continue and has gotten worse since the adoption. Our teenager has definitely shown us resentment at the same time. What can I say? We can't win!
As for work, I've been looking at another position within the organization and it would definitely get good use of my skillset. The administrator is supporting me in this endeavor which I am truly grateful. She also wants me back if the position doesn't work out. I would be a Jail Diversion Specialist which means I would try to get people who are currently in jail suffering from mental illness to treatment and temporary housing until they get something permanent. There is no mental health treatment in the King County Jail system. Pierce County, however, has their own mental health treatment facility at the jail which is very impressive.
As for school, I finished Graduate Statistics with a B-. That's the bad news. The good news is I found out yesterday that a C or above is considered passing so I won't need to repeat that class. I'm currently in week five of Executive Coaching with straight A's. Apparently my writing ability far exceeds my mathematical ability in statistics. After Executive Coaching, it will be four weeks of the Capstone class which leads to graduation.
I have to talk about a movie my wife and I have seen last weekend...twice. I don't normally do movie reviews but this is related to foster parenting. There is a Mark Wahlberg movie called "Instant Family" and I went into this movie not wanting to be entertained but to see what Hollywood would do to show what the Foster-to-Adopt program is really about. I was amazed (even entertained) at how accurate it portrayed Foster parents and the struggles we go through. Every single thing in that movie happened to us (except the Christmas dinner incident but the general chaos is appropriate). Hollywood did some great funny scenes but was pertinent to Foster parenting. The only thing that my wife and I had a quibble with was the happy ending (spoiler alert). Even after adoption, it's not always a happy ending. In fact, the struggle can continue or intensify as we continue to experience.
If you are considering Fostering, watch the movie first before you commit. The chaos, outbursts, disrespect, and damage is a reality. Would I recommend anyone to be a Foster-to-Adopt family? Let's just say I would be the last person to talk to about that if you want encouragement.
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