Things were going great until I reached Graduate Statistics. This subject has been, by far, the hardest class I've come across. There are so many formulas to note and the amount of homework involved is astronomical. I've spent more time on homework in this class than I have ever spent time in my undergrad and graduate's classes.
Right now, I'm at a B+ which is too close for comfort. In a graduate program, anything less than a B is considered failing. Each week gets tougher and I'm forced to toughen up myself. So my goal of getting an A for each class will have to take a backseat for this particular class: PASS IT.
Graduate Statistics are great if you want to be involved in research. Thankfully, there is statistical processing software that takes care of all the dirty work. In this class, we have to show our work so using the software is a no-go. We literally have to crunch the numbers manually, so, for example, if you want to know the t statistic for a set of numbers, there are five formulas you need to calculate manually until you get to the final formula to get said t statistic.
I'm probably not going to go into research (probably not, that is) so I'm probably never going to use Graduate Statistics. Unfortunately, it is something that every psychologist should know so I'm grinning and bearing it.
Pray for me just to pass this course. I, financially, cannot afford to repeat the course (or any course, for that matter). Please pray for my wife and family because they have been patient with me while I spend hours doing homework on the dining room table.
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