I had a lot of fun in this class. There was a lot of techniques that were covered and I even tried some myself on some coworkers and even my own daughter. It's interesting how people don't look logically at what is the next steps they should make. I noticed a lot of emotional rather than rational thinking and that's OK. I'm even guilty of acting on my own emotions. It's nice to have someone else's take on the situation and help people look at it in another way. When we're anxious, depressed, or mad at a situation, it takes another person to make you look again with a different approach.
I ended this class with an A which makes me a 4.0 GPA student so far. I have four classes left and I'm currently in Research Methods. I don't know if I'll ever use it but it's good to have that knowledge under your belt. Especially if you want to publish something for the scientific community. Believe it or not, there is not much research done on Life Coaching since it is a very young science. I can, without any doubt, publish something that will help others in my profession in a peer reviewed journal. We'll see if I can contribute in the future.
Regarding politics: I don't discuss my own political leanings anymore. We're such a polarized society with an us versus them mentality, it's not worth it for me to discuss any further. I consider politics the equivalent to restroom habits; I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. I speak about politics in the voting booth. I noticed how much I don't post anymore on Facebook as a result of this change of personal policy. I'm actually questioning if I really need a Facebook account anymore, but we'll save that topic for another day.
Regarding life coaching: It's OK to dream. Dreams give us purpose and hope for the future. I understand how dreams can be squashed like a bug. I had a dream about becoming a pilot until I found out that if you're bipolar and diabetic, it precludes you from becoming a pilot. My Pinterest is filled with aviation photos and sites which I now avoid. I don't even look up at the air traffic going into Seatac airport anymore because it breaks my heart each time.
The solution? Find something else you are passionate about. I'm passionate with helping people overcome their problems. I love to play the electric bass. Mourn your dream loss but don't mourn too long because you'll be wallowing in your own misery. Look at today and see what you can do. Yesterday is gone, no matter what took place, even if it makes you feel shame, it's over. DONE. You cannot go back and change it. You can change your present. We're all time travelers going forward in time one second at a time.
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